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A Libertarian Utopia Foiled By Bears The Strange Tale Of Grafton New Hampshire

A Libertarian Utopia Foiled by Bears: The Strange Tale of Grafton, New Hampshire

The Promise of Self-Governance

In the mid-2000s, the small town of Grafton, New Hampshire, embarked on an ambitious experiment in self-governance. Inspired by libertarian ideals, the town's residents sought to create a community where individual freedom and minimal government interference prevailed.

The Bear Problem

However, the town's plans encountered an unexpected hurdle: bears. Grafton's remote location and abundant wildlife made it a prime habitat for black bears. As the town's population increased, so did the number of bear encounters.

Initially, residents downplayed the problem, believing that the bears would simply adapt to the presence of humans. However, as the bears became more accustomed to human food and garbage, they began to pose a threat to the town's safety and property.

The Libertarian Dilemma

The bear problem presented a unique challenge for the town's libertarian residents. On the one hand, they believed in individual freedom and the right to live without government interference. On the other hand, they recognized the need to protect the town from the growing bear population.

After much debate, the town decided to take a cautious approach. They implemented a policy of bear-awareness education and encouraged residents to take steps to secure their property from bears. However, they resisted calls for a town-wide bear hunt, arguing that it would infringe on the bears' natural rights.

The Strange and True Story

As journalist Benjamin Wachs recounts in his book "A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear," the Grafton bear problem became a surreal and often comical saga. Residents devised ingenious ways to keep bears at bay, including using bear-proof trash cans, installing electric fences, and even organizing bear watches.

Despite their efforts, the bear population continued to grow. In 2010, a bear entered a local school and attacked a child. This incident forced the town to reconsider its approach and finally implement a bear hunt.


The story of Grafton, New Hampshire, stands as a testament to the complexities of self-governance. While the town's libertarian ideals led to an ambitious experiment in self-reliance, the unexpected challenge presented by bears ultimately forced residents to confront the limits of their beliefs. In the end, the town found a balance between individual freedom and the need for collective action, proving that even the most remote of communities must sometimes come together to face the challenges of the natural world.
